For the users of Telegram-Reddit, know about the suffering, these websites will be closed in India

For the users of Telegram-Reddit, know about the suffering, these websites will be closed in India

Websites such as telegrams and redts in India can block Internet service providers. According to the data, the Internet provider group has blocked the comedy site College Humor in India. However, redit and telegrams can still be accessed. It is still unclear why this website is being blocked. The College Hummer website has recently been blocked.
Searching for this website, the message is found that the site has been blocked according to the order received from the Indian government and the Ministry of Telecommunications. In this matter, Internet Freedom Foundation executive executive Gupta said, "It is not a concept of why this happens. Some websites have been blocked without notification of any kind. According to him, 250 websites have been blocked on Geo, Airtel and Hathway since January 2019. Some users have filed a complaint in this regard.
In this regard, Airtel has clarified that they do not block any website without explaining the reasons. Airtel blocks the site only when a command is ordered. It is mentioned here that the telegram has been blocked in Russia and Iran before India. It is important that the Torrent site that downloaded the film in free of charge has already been shut down by the Indian government. Apart from this, the websites showing porn videos have also been blocked by internet companies.

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