Educational Award Scheme For Children of Labourers

Educational Award Scheme For Children of  Labourers

Educational Award Scheme For Children of  Labourers
With the progressive outlook of the Government towards the workers, and the desire to take measure for the uplift of the workers, the Government also consulted the 'STATE ADVISORY BOARD' to help the Government in formulating the labour policy.

Prior to adoption of The Bombay Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1953, The labour Welfare activities were conducted by the State government. But it was realised that Government's direct efforts for the cultural uplift of the working class cannot but be limited in scope and extent.

The duty of bringing light and cheers into the lives of the workers will be discharged on and extensive scale and in fuller measures by workers own organizations and by the employers and local bodies directly or through suitable agencies.

It is well known that genuine progress is eventually a matter of internal effort sustained by the peoples' qualities and their capacities for struggle and sacrifice and that any kind of State intervention and processes imposed by legislature can only be an aid but not a substitute for self help. The burden therefore also falls on falls on the employers as it is they who are most benefited by such measures.

The State Labour Advisory Board had therefore recommended the creation of the Labour Welfare Board for conducting labour welfare activities.

Bombay Labour Welfare Board was setup as per the Rule number 4 in The Bombay Labour Welfare Act 1953 in Bombay.

Educational Award Scheme For Children of  Labourers
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