Driving license can be renewed at any office

Driving license can be renewed at any office

At present all the RTO offices in the state of Gujarat, where the applicant has a driving license from the applicant, the applicant needs to go to the RTO office to update the driving license in the RTO office by updating the required documents on Parivahan.gov.in WEBSITE by uploading the required documents on WEBSITE and setting the date and time from the slot bookings. After receiving a driving license the applicant has to go out of the original jurisdiction for employment, work, employment and at that time the applicant's driving license has to come in to renew the driving license in the original office. The power of the applicant's money and time is misbehaving. When technological options are available in the circumstances, it is necessary to re-think about the system,

Presently data of applicants with driving licenses in Sarathi-4 has been made available so that the applicant can renew the application in any RTO office from 7/7/18 to facilitate the public. The name can also be changed as well. But during the process, any office license will not be able to change the date of birth, date of birth, date of birth in the DDL, DD. Of any of the office licenses. In the office at parivahan.gov.in WEBSITE, Dra. By selecting the office to be renewed, it will have to take the necessary information in the office. In every respect, every RTO official will have to inform the public about the maximum, by the media.
Driving license can be renewed at any office

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