भुली जाव WI-FI आवी रहयु छे 100 गणु LI-FI

भुली जाव WI-FI आवी रहयु छे 100 गणु LI-FI

भुली जाव WI-FI आवी रहयु छे 100 गणु LI-FI
In today's world the Internet is run by radio waves and Wi-Fi uses these waves to transmit data or to increase Internet speed. Li-Fi is a technology that supports data transmission, or uses the light to increase the speed of the internet. University of Edinburgh Professor Herald Kanidai Lakshi Haas gave information about this invention in the 2011 TED Akila Global Talk. This technology network used to use LED bulbs for mobile high-speed communication. The most striking thing is that Li-Fi has claimed to be 100 times faster than Internet speed Wi-Fi.

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